The general knowledge of one synthesizer is entirely translatable to various other synthesizers except that modules may be located in different places on the interface itself. Otherwise, internal routing, patches and modules can be learned on one synth and practiced on another.

Thousands upon thousands of developers have various synthesizer products available creating a completely saturated market. It can become intimidating researching the synthesizer best suited to the producer themselves.
All the while ergonomics plays a key role in work flow when considering the layout of the synthesizer interface, the sound of the circuitry paired with various modules within a synthesizer largely plays a factor. Initially, as analog technology was developing, the filter of a synthesizer and the modulation capabilities it was built with had an astronomical influence on the direction of a song, a genre and even the history of music as a whole.
Particular synthesizers produce unique tones and textures based upon the quality of the hardware circuitry, and these qualities are specific to brands. Synth leads and hooks in songs from the 90s and early 2000’s can be attributed directly to a synthesizer brand. Therefore, it is rather important to experiment with a synthesizers modules and capabilities before absolutely deciding on one (or two) to join you in the studio.
Often, professional studios will house a variety of synthesizers, typically installed within a rack. These synthesizers are then electrically routed to the patch bay or directly into a dedicated channel strip.
Popoular synthesizer brands include; Korg, Moog and Roland,